martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

How Do we Acquire Language?

Since the day that we are in our mother´s stomach as we created our personality, likes, we created the king of language that we are going to use, the way that we are going to talk, the kind of words that we are going to use, even the places where we want to talk and that´s about the society that involved everything, since our first day that we can heard, feel and mechanize with our brain.
I think that the construction that makes that “learn” be significant is just a connection between, ear, heart and brain; I mind the thinks that we heard if we feel it we can learn it. That´s my theory about languages if we love it is easier to learn it and the society we you move is crucial just in order to define what we are going to do, to be or to love, although we believe that we can be strong with our mind and don’t allow that the society change us or makes us is just the nature of life, choose the proper society (in most cases we can choose the correct society or just change it) developed our feelings, our likes and the way that we are going to learn, the thinks that is going to move our heart and our conviction to move what we have to move, to change the necessary things to make it important for our brain. If we love it we will find the natural way to learn it.

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