martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013



1.1 Biology the branch of biology that deals with the form of living organisms, and with relationships between their structures.

1.2 The term morphology is Greek and is a makeup of morph- meaning 'shape, form', and -ology which means 'the study of something'. The term is used not only in linguistics but also in biology as the scientific study of forms and structure of animals and plants, and in geology as the study of formation and evolution of rocks and land forms. We are going to stick to morphology in linguistics, as the scientific study of forms and structure of words in a language.[1] Morphology as a sub-discipline of linguistics was named for the first time in 1859 by the German linguist August Schleicher who used the term for the study of the form of words.[2] Today morphology forms a core part of linguistics.

a. the patterns of word formation in a particular languageincluding inflection, derivation, andcomposition.
b. the study and description of such patterns.
c. the study of the behavior and combination of morphemes.


Fill in the following chart and paste it in your blog

A meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word
Free Morpheme
Are those which can stand alone as words of a languagepig
Bound Morpheme
Are  those that cannot stand alone as a word-ed
A letter or group of letters attached to the beginning of a word that partly indicates its meaningco-
A letter or group of letters added to the end of a word -ness
A word element that can be inserted within the base form of a word to create a new word or intensify meaning.
A word element--a prefix, suffix, or infix--that can be attached to a base or root to form a new word.

Derivational Morpheme
An affix that's added to a word to create a new word or a new form of a word. indiference
Inflectional Morpheme
A suffix that's added to a word to assign a particular grammatical property to that word.

3.  Fill in the following chart:

Number of Syllables
Number of Morphemes

4.  Create a chart where you explain and give an example of at least 4 word formation processes.

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013



Phonetics relates to the sounds of language, while phonology studies how those sounds are put together to create meaning. Phonemes, or units of sound that are used in all languages to create words, are the focus of the study of phonetics.

 Phonology studies the rules in any given language that govern how those phonemes are combined to create meaningful words. Phonetics and phonology study two different aspects of sound, but the concepts are dependent on each other in the creation of language.

Each unit of sound, regardless of language, is called a phoneme. Phonetics attempts to understand how each one of these phonemes is physically formed and produced by humans. These units can be categorized by how they are produced and whether they are voiced or voiceless. This aspect of phonetics is commonly used by linguists as well as speech specialists to understand how humans create speech sounds and why speech problems sometimes occur.

The phonetic alphabet is a collection of symbols meant to represent the actual sound of each phoneme as it is pronounced in different situations. For example, a consonant may have two different symbols because it has two different ways of being pronounced depending on the word it is used in. These phonetic symbols are commonly found in dictionaries as a guide to how to correctly pronounce unfamiliar words. Each symbol can represent one letter or a group of letters that combine to make one sound.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013


TASK 1: 


1. Phonetics is the study of human speech sounds.

2. The branch of linguistics that deals with the sounds of speech and their production, combination, description, and representation by written symbols.

3. The system of speech sounds of a language or group of languages


It is part of linguistics that handle the sounds of speech involving their production, combination, description and their representation by symbols.


The study of the production of speech sounds by the articulatory and vocal tract by the speaker.

The study of the physical transmission of speech sounds from the speaker to the listener.

The study of the reception and perception of speech sounds by the listener.

TASK 3: 

Which part of phonetics do this pictures and videos share?
// Articulatory.

According to the video which are the main parts involved in the creation of vowel sounds?
//vocal tract and vocal cords


Which part of phonetics is this task related to?

How is a sound produced?
//The sound is produced by vibrations

How do humans create vibrations in order to produce sounds with their vocal tract?
//Humanas create vibrations as they speak by the vocal cords.

In which form does sound energy travel?
//The sound energy travels in the forms of sound waves.

What type of wave is sound and what is its characteristic?
//Longitudinal waves, the vibations of a wive that got particuls moves from right to left.

Through which mediums can sound travel?
// solid, liquid, gas.


The study of the reception and perception of speech sounds by the listener is called ARTICULATORY.


Most of the times we don´t realize the important of something, as simple as try to understand something that we do every day and every single moment and in deed is the most complex action that we do by default. And learn about the complexity of our body helps in order to appreciate and take care about it.

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

How Do we Acquire Language?

Since the day that we are in our mother´s stomach as we created our personality, likes, we created the king of language that we are going to use, the way that we are going to talk, the kind of words that we are going to use, even the places where we want to talk and that´s about the society that involved everything, since our first day that we can heard, feel and mechanize with our brain.
I think that the construction that makes that “learn” be significant is just a connection between, ear, heart and brain; I mind the thinks that we heard if we feel it we can learn it. That´s my theory about languages if we love it is easier to learn it and the society we you move is crucial just in order to define what we are going to do, to be or to love, although we believe that we can be strong with our mind and don’t allow that the society change us or makes us is just the nature of life, choose the proper society (in most cases we can choose the correct society or just change it) developed our feelings, our likes and the way that we are going to learn, the thinks that is going to move our heart and our conviction to move what we have to move, to change the necessary things to make it important for our brain. If we love it we will find the natural way to learn it.


Starting by the origin of Epistemology, it comes from the greek and it is divided in tow words:

1. Episteme: That minds or can be translated like "wisdom or science".

2. Logos: That minds "speech".

Epistemology studies the way of generate or get the wisdom of a science. Its principal function is justified the searching that can make it, probing or taking in main of the aspects that can be involved on this “investigation” for example social, cultural, economic, historic even psychologies aspects. 

In other aspects or author is like the science charge of the of the wisdom theory and in a philosophy definition got for principal objective the find the essence and the reason of the thinks.